The patriotic fervor echoed through the corridors of Darshan Academy, Devlali, as students, teachers, and staff came together to celebrate the 75th Republic Day with great enthusiasm and pride. The day commenced with the hoisting of our national flag by the chief guest, Mr. Sudhir 
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Skating is an amazing formula for self-expression and is a sport loved by the ones who love adventure, fitness and challenge. Champions of Darshan Academy participated in a skating competition with full zeal and energy, which was organized by Roller Athletics Nasik District Championship, Yeola, 
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Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood…   Inter-School Rope Skipping Competition was organized at Darshan Academy, Devlali on 09.12.2023. Various schools participated and contested from nearby vicinity. With immense physical endurance required for this sport the 
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For a green future,  say no to crackers. To make the celebration of Diwali more vibrant, not with crackers but with laughter and happiness, Darshan Academy, Devlali organised an anti-crackers rally by the young Darshanites of grades VI to X. The students were instructed to 
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Social interaction and companionship Feelings of loneliness and isolation can be alleviated with social interaction and companionship. Darshan Academy, Devlali, always takes up this duty and arranges SEWA projects. The students and staff visited Vatsalya Old Age Home on November 7, 2023, with donations of 
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Poems and ghazals profoundly influence a child’s language acquisition, comprehension and emotional development. Darshan Academy, Devlali, celebrated a poetry fest on November 8, 2023, to encourage and inculcate the habit of writing and reciting poetry. Parents joined special guests Mr. Ridham Shah (singer and event 
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Darshan Academy, Devlali, organized a career counselling session for class 9 and 10 students on October 20, 2023, in the meditation hall. Career decisions play a pivotal role in shaping students’ future growth and development. In today’s environment of multiple options, knowing the choices available 
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Founder Chairman of Darshan Education Foundation, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, accompanied by Mata Rita Ji attended the Annual Day celebrations of Darshan Academy, Devlali. The event celebrated the school’s silver jubilee, on October 13, 2023. The venue was decorated with a colourful floral display. 
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Darshan Academy, Devlali organized a teacher training workshop on phonics and how to balance emotional stress. Teachers from Grade – Nursery to II participated in the workshop on 23.09.2023. The phonics and emotions stress management session was conducted by Mrs. Sheetal Rathi. (Trainer and motivational 
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On the 5th of September,  Darshan Academy, Devlali celebrated Teachers’ Day with great ardour and delight. Teachers were welcomed by a shower of flowers. Students delivered a speech about the importance of teachers in their lives. The students also presented songs and dances dedicated to 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "