Darshan Academy, Devlali organized a Plantation Activty on 27th June 2024 with the aim of promoting environmental awareness, enhancing green cover, and educating participants on the importance of tree planting and conservation. The event began with a power point presentation on how to make coco 
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For a green future,  say no to crackers. To make the celebration of Diwali more vibrant, not with crackers but with laughter and happiness, Darshan Academy, Devlali organised an anti-crackers rally by the young Darshanites of grades VI to X. The students were instructed to 
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Don’t act mean; go green. Celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali. To make the celebration of Diwali more vibrant, not with crackers but with laughter and happiness all around, Darshan Academy, Devlali organised an anti-cracker rally for the Darshanites of grades VI to X. The students were 
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On Sant Kirpal Singhji Maharaj’s birthday, Darshan Academy, Devlali celebrated a Loving Kindness Week. The school organised a free dental clinic for the students and staff in collaboration with the members of the Rotary Club. The program began with the introduction of guests and a beautiful 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "