Math-Matia Project Exhibition

“Speak to me I will learn, teach me I will understand, guide me to do, I will remember it forever.”

It all began from zero; everywhere we look things and energies are made up of numbers and sequences. Many things present in nature follow the Fibonacci sequence, and then we ask, what is the use of numbers or math in our day-to-day lives? Well, let us count the benefits for you.

On October 28, 2021, Darshan Academy, Devlali organized and hosted a math exhibition with the theme Math–Matia. The entire school united to bring to fruition this magnanimous event. Everyone put their heart and soul into make this a grand success. The students exhibited intriguing models, activities and games that were not only profoundly educative, but also fun. The students were bubbling with energy to reveal the nuances of Aryabhata, Archimedes and many math related concepts like fractions, measurement and optional numbers to all who entered their domain. It was mesmerizing to watch students presenting their models. Parents and teachers were amazed to see how our students could easily explain to a curious mind the math behind day-to-day events. The head of the department actively participated and ensured that all ran smoothly, and the principal, the LMC members and coordinators and guests encouraged the students with their presence.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."