Inter-house Patriotic Singing Competition

In the course of the  Independence Day celebration, an inter-house patriotic singing competition was conducted on August 12, 2023, at Darshan Academy, Devlali, to rekindle the sense of pride and the spirit of love towards the nation. The students were brimming with enthusiasm and eagerness with a composed and calm melodious and soothing voice. Each house prepared a patriotic song with the guidance of the music teacher and the house in charges. The judge, Mr. Sapan Doli, was impressed to see the spirit of solidarity and love for the country alive within the students through such activity. The success of the competition was judged by the smiles of the teachers and students. Each house showcased their mastery over voice modulation, rhythm and other important aspects of singing. The melodic notes fused with patriotism enthralled one and all. The gathering was concluded with the appraisal and certificate distribution.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."